Influencing the Culture with a Biblical Worldview
Community Impact monitors the cultural landscape through the lens of Scripture to include social issues, legislation and public policy. Our scope is primarily northern Nevada including Reno, Sparks and Washoe County.
Pastor Phil Mckay
Pastor & Founder,
Calvary Chapel Reno SparksPhil McKay is the Founder of Community Impact and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks. As Senior Pastor, Phil is a compassionate leader who humbly and effectively communicates the word of God. His biblical world view motivates him to engage the culture and encourage all Christians to follow Jesus' teaching in doing the same. His work in changing the public square in northern Nevada motivates others to become more involved in local politics, run for public office and leads efforts for legislative and important policy change.
Frank McElfish
Community ImpactFrank McElfish leads the Community Impact Ministry at Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks. He also helps churches start Culture Impact ministries which are designed to monitor current issues, legislation and elections for the pastor and the congregation You can email Frank at frank.mcelfish@calvarychapelreno.org