Tulsi Gabbard to Fire 100+ NSA Staffers Who Took Part in Hair-Raising Online Sex Chats
What the Trump administration has uncovered in just five weeks about what has been going on in Washington is beyond belief.
Government Schools Are Actively Protecting Thousands Of Sexual Groomers
Texas schools shield child abusers, legal loopholes enable "pass the trash." Thousands of alleged perpetrators, unions protect them. Parents demand action.
“Saved My Son”: Trump’s Orders Are Already Rescuing Kids From ‘Gender Facilities’
Trump’s executive order blocks federal funds for gender treatments on minors, leading some hospitals to halt services amid legal battles.
Christian sabotage: How 'loser theology' is poisoning the church
As the church declines in the West, pietism is the coping mechanism some Christian leaders use to feel superior for losing.
'God Was Exalted': 4,500 Students Seek Jesus at Purdue University, Thousands Saved
Over 4,500 students gathered at Purdue University for the UniteUS event, where nearly half accepted Jesus as their Savior, with many participating in water baptisms.
Abortion by Mail: Horror Stories Emerge of 'Abortions for Children... Without Parental Consent'
Abortion pills sent by mail are bypassing state laws, leading to cases like a NY doctor charged for prescribing them to a pregnant teen in Louisiana.
New Trump Admin Policies Promote Marriage, Having Kids
(Washington Stand) In a clear contrast from the previous administration, the Trump administration is signaling that they are working to implement policies that support marriage and families and encourage couples to have children.
Americans Rush to Enlist in Trump’s Military Recruitment Boom
(Washington Stand) The Trump team may be slashing and burning lots of government jobs, but there’s one agency that’s been hanging a “We’re hiring” shingle for four years: the U.S. military.
PERKINS: What Does God Have to Do with Government?
(Washington Stand) As our nation approaches its 250th anniversary, a number of organizations are conducting surveys to gauge America’s civic literacy. The results, while not surprising, are alarming.
Survey: Homeschooled Adults Are More Religious And Less Anxious
(The Federalist) Horror stories abound about the parents of Gen Z showing up to their adult children’s job interviews. It’s hard not to think there is no hope for the anxious generation who can’t talk to a potential employer without mom or dad.
Dear moms and dads, gentle parenting is not godly
(Blaze Media) Gentle parenting is a style of child-rearing that’s gained a huge following in the last decade. The practice emphasizes empathy, rejects traditional punishment, and puts the parent in the role of guide rather than authority.
This State Wants to Put Condom Vending Machines in Preschools
(Town Hall) Lawmakers in Maryland have put forward a bill that would make condoms available throughout elementary schools in the state.
Study Shows 22,000 Babies Saved From Abortion Thanks to Pro-Life Laws in 14 States
(Life News) A new study has revealed that over 22,000 babies have been born thanks to pro-life protection laws that have been enacted in 14 states following the Dobbs Supreme Court decision in 2022 that reversed Roe v. Wade.
Moral Sickness And Depravity Is A Problem That No President, Legislature, Or Law Can Solve
(Harbinger’s Daily) As President Donald J. Trump begins his second term in the Oval Office, he faces a number of urgent challenges on the international and domestic fronts, and he certainly will need God’s wisdom to deal with them.
Restoring America with common sense
(Blaze Media) President Trump and his common-sense revolution may be precisely what patriotic Americans have longed for — and what America has long needed.
Reflecting on an NFL Season of Players Boldly Sharing Their Faith
(The Washington Stand) While it was a short time ago that many Americans boycotted the NFL, refusing to watch another player kneel during “The Star-Spangled Banner” because they were ashamed of the United States and the Judeo-Christian principles on which it was founded, the NFL’s culture is changing.
No Society Can Endure When The Institution Of Marriage Has Been Rendered Meaningless
(Harbingers Daily) Is God-ordained marriage being deconstructed in America? In order to eliminate natural marriage in society, it must first be rendered meaningless. How could that happen?
‘God Forbid!’: Replacement Theology Attempts To Undermine The Credibility Of Almighty God
(Harbingers Daily) It’s becoming increasingly popular in churches today to assert that God has replaced Israel with the church. Some believe that the Lord rejected Israel, while others see the church as somehow the spiritual fulfillment of the kingdom promises made to Israel.