Massive Trucker Convoys Heading South for ‘Take Our Border Back’ Rallies
Trucks like these are headed to the southern border by the thousands to take part in Take Back Our Border rallies this weekend in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California.
School Choice Revolution Empowers Homeschoolers, Too
America’s education system would be much better off if every family had access to the learning environments that worked best for their children.
Jack Hibbs, Charlie Kirk, Sean McDowell: Stopping FEAR From Silencing TRUTH | Kirk Cameron on TBN
Jack Hibbs, Charlie Kirk and Sean McDowell examine the importance of Christians being vocal about their faith. Why should we be unafraid in the face of cancel culture and what is the Biblical model for standing for truth? All this and more is discussed on Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN!
Since Dobbs Ruling, Pro-Life Laws Are Reducing Number of Abortions, Data Shows
Parents-to-be look at sonogram results on an ultrasound monitor at a gynecologist's office. More mothers are keeping their babies since Roe v. Wade was overturned, statistics show.
‘The Lost Boys’: Documentary Looks at Impact of Transgenderism on Young Men
A new documentary is exposing the horrors that the transgender movement wreaks upon men, as well as the social and medical-industrial conditions that have led to those horrors.
WHO Proposals Could Strip Nations of Their Sovereignty, Create Worldwide Totalitarian State, Expert Warns
In an interview with The Defender, Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., bioweapons expert and professor of international law at the University of Illinois, said the World Health Organization’s (WHO) latest proposals may violate international law. Boyle called for U.S. federal and state governments to exit the WHO immediately.
Overnight School Program Accused of Assigning Boys to Sleep With Girls
Joe and Serena Wailes revealed last month that their 11-year-old daughter was assigned to share a bed with a boy who identifies as a transgender girl on an overnight school trip. Their story has led to more parents coming forward with similar allegations, according to a new demand letter first obtained by The Daily Signal.
Belly of the Beast
Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint.
Planned Parenthood’s Trans Hormone Business is Booming as It Mutilates Thousands of Children
The number of transgender services performed at Planned Parenthood clinics exploded over the past few years as the transgender medical industry became increasingly lucrative, according to data published by the organization’s regional branches.
Male Might Get Volleyball Scholarship Meant for Female Athletes
Teen boy who identifies as a girl, might win a girls' volleyball scholarship at the University of Washington, depriving a deserving girl of the award.
Child Trafficking is an Emergency in our Nation
Over 4.1 million people are trafficked for sex in our nation each year--including children. It is an underground industry wielding huge profits and evil power in our communities.
Rules of the Road: Governing Big Tech
Parents call for enforceable rules to protect their children, who spend much more time on social media such as Instagram than in a car.
UN Pushes Sexual Rights and Gender Ideology to Attack Parents and Children
Progressives who captured the United Nations bureaucracy are using it to advance a view of children’s "sexual rights" that elevates government actors and experts over parents.