Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

The Big Lie: Separation of Church and State

(Faith & Freedom) In June, the New York Times warned their shrinking secular progressive readership that Oklahoma was planning to bring the Bible into the classroom to be included with other teaching materials this school year.

NYT: "Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious instruction and public education."

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

104 Million "People of Faith" Not Planning To Vote

(Faith & Freedom) Millions of Christians in the United States indicated in a study released on Monday that they are not likely to vote in the upcoming election this November, signaling a potential problem for the Republican Party and the conservative movement. 

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

George Soros' Shady Deal With The FCC To Purchase 200 Radio Stations

(Faith & Freedom) The Federal Communication Commission quietly decided Friday to delay a buildout that would bring internet to rural communities. At the same time, the FCC expedited a deal approving George Soros's purchase of 200 radio stations that carry some of the most well-known and effective conservative voices on radio.

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

Internal CIA documents, presentation show effort to mandate DEI at the center of the intel agency

(Just The News) A newly revised Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEI) strategy for the Central Intelligence Agency promises to put diversity at the center of promotion decisions and attempt to solidify programs to withstand changing administrations, according to internal documents and a public presentation by senior agency diversity official. 

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

Volleyball Players Fight Back Against Transgender Opponent

(Todd Starnes) At least five universities in the Mountain West division have either forfeited matches or refused to compete against San Jose State University’s women’s volleyball team. That’s because there is a man on the roster.

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

Nonbinary Teacher Tells 4-year-olds Boys Can Wear Dresses

(Todd Starnes) A California elementary school teacher, who identifies as nonbinary and uses gender neutral pronouns, is facing the wrath of parents for teaching transgender ideology to four-year-olds. The teacher also told little boys that it was okay for them to wear dresses.

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