Nevada 2025 Legislation


AB260 - Requires an abortion service provider to compile and provide patients a list of persons offering post-abortive counseling and support services.  This initiative acknowledges the potential emotional aftermath of abortion procedures and seeks to ensure that women have access to necessary support resources. IT IS UNCERTAIN WHETHER THIS BILL WILL EVEN GET A HEARING. Please call the Assembly HHS Chair, ASM Tracy Brown-May and ask her NICELY to hold a hearing for this bill. Please follow up with an email. Tracy Brown-May  (775) 684-8803


AB197 - protects the privacy of pro-life advocates in Nevada. This bill will shield pro-life donors, volunteers, and members of pro-life organizations from government disclosure and harassment.

Sample Message: *or write your own message

Please support AB197 to protect the privacy of those standing up for life. This bill will ensure free speech and will allow people to continue their work without fear of intimidation or public backlash. Please support AB197 to safeguard the rights and privacy of pro-life advocates in our state.


SB261 – Authorizes certain persons to file a complaint to request that a sheriff remove an unlawful or unauthorized occupant of a dwelling on the real property of the person, hopefully making it easier to remove squatters.


SB263 - Expands prohibitions relating to pornography involving minors to include computer generated pornography; increases the penalties for certain crimes relating to pornography involving minors



AB33 creates the office of Inspector General under Nevada State Controller (similar to DOGE except specific to Nevada)

Email your testimony and documents of support to

Telephone To provide public comment or testimony via phone call 888-475-4499 when prompted, provide the meeting ID: 820 9314 6743 then press # when prompted for a participant ID.

Sample Message: *or write your own message

Taxpayer dollars must be spent efficiently and ethically. Without dedicated oversight, inefficiencies and misconduct can go undetected, costing the state millions and undermining public trust. AB33 is critical in strengthening transparency, accountability, and integrity within Nevada’s government. This bill establishes an independent oversight authority to identify and eliminate fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption in state agencies, local governments, and nonprofits receiving public funds. Please vote in Support of AB33.



SB96 designates January 27th "International Holocaust Remembrance Day" in the state of Nevada.

Email your testimony and documents of support to 

Telephone To provide public comment or testimony via phone call 888-475-4499 when prompted, provide the meeting ID:884 1836 4663 then press # when prompted for a participant ID.

Sample Message: *or write your own message

There has been a significant rise of hatred and violence directed towards Jewish Americans and an indoctrination that has persuaded people that the Holocaust never happened. Declaring January 27th to be an International Holocaust Remembrance Day not only acknowledges the inhuman atrocities that has occurred in human history but would also dedicate a day to educate children and adults on the Holocaust, what happened and the importance of never letting it happen again. Please support SB96.


SJR11  Recognizes the strategic partnership and bond of friendship with, and expresses the Nevada Legislature's support for, the State of Israel.


SB267 – Revises provisions related to law enforcement, requiring a county or city jail or detention facility to notify federal immigration authorities under certain circumstances.




AB176 - Establishes "Right to Reproductive Health Care Act". Prohibits a governmental entity from enacting or implementing any limitation or requirement that singles out reproductive health care and burdens the access to drugs or devices related to reproductive health care or information to reproductive health care.



AB20 -Allows the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles to adopt individual symbols or codes for different medical conditions including: Diabetes, Schizophrenia, Food Allergy, Sickle Cell Disease, Hemophilia, Depression, Mental Illness and more, on your drivers license or ID card. Personal information as such will be kept in their database accessible to law enforcement and other agencies.

AB140 -Make the renewal for Nevada Drivers Authorization Cards for illegal aliens the same as for American citizens from 4 years to 8 years. 



AB197 - Blocks identifying government entity donors and organizational donors. 

SB100 - Gives power to the Secretary of State and Attorney General to remove city clerks and replace them with appointed people. 

SB102 – Prohibits a person from filing, submitting certain documents related to election fraud. 



SB6 - Gives $600,000 for fiscal year 2025 to Nevada System of Higher Education to support the Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program. 

Telephone: dial 888-475-4499 meeting ID: 825 8132 5666 and then

press #. When prompted for a Participant ID, press #.


SAMPLE MESSAGE: *or write your own message

Please oppose allocating any money to Desert Research Institute for Cloud Seeding. It’s time we realize the damage that these chemicals do to our health, our crops, the air that we breathe, and our day to day life. The health and environmental risk of Cloud Seeding far outweighs unnatural rain. Please oppose this bill.



SB156 - Creates an office under the Attorney General, "Prevention of Gun Violence" using tax payer money. Office can also apply and receive gifts, grants and contributions from personal, private or public agencies.



SB171 - Enacts a shield law to protect the transgender community.   

SCR2 - Recognizes an area in where East Naples Drive meets Paradise Road and University Center Drive (Las Vegas), called the "Fruit Loop" to be a historical LGBTQ+ landmark.




AB328 - Establishes a Commission on Racial Equity and Social Justice to study historical discrimination and devise possible methods of restitution.


AB205 changes the parent permission of a child to attend sex education courses from an "opt-in" to an "opt-out,” the child will automatically be opted in to a sex education course if the permission slip is not signed.

Email your testimony and documents of opposition to

Telephone To provide public comment or testimony via phone call 888-475-4499 when prompted, provide the meeting ID: 835 5778 5709 press # when prompted for a participant ID.

Sample Message: *or write your own message

Current law allows parents to sign a permission slip for their child to receive sex education at school. AB205 takes away that right and requires a parent to sign a slip that withdraws their child from receiving sex education otherwise the child is automatically enrolled. Protect parent's rights, and please vote NO on AB205