Equipping the Church to Stand for Righteousness in the Public Square

What the Trump administration has uncovered in just five weeks about what has been going on in Washington is beyond belief.
Texas schools shield child abusers, legal loopholes enable "pass the trash." Thousands of alleged perpetrators, unions protect them. Parents demand action.
Trump’s executive order blocks federal funds for gender treatments on minors, leading some hospitals to halt services amid legal battles.
As the church declines in the West, pietism is the coping mechanism some Christian leaders use to feel superior for losing.
Over 4,500 students gathered at Purdue University for the UniteUS event, where nearly half accepted Jesus as their Savior, with many participating in water baptisms.
Abortion pills sent by mail are bypassing state laws, leading to cases like a NY doctor charged for prescribing them to a pregnant teen in Louisiana.
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