Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Accused of Bamboozling Girl into Transitioning to Male while a Preteen

(California Globe) Trying to turn a physically healthy girl into a boy is arguably an abnegation of nature.

So it is not surprising that doctors, psychologists and school officials resort to chicanery and badgering to foist irreversible medical procedures on confused kids who really are not afflicted with gender dysphoria but are often just suffering from a host of unrelated mental health issues.

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

1,800-Year-Old Archaeologist Discovery Shows Just How Rapidly The Gospel Spread In The Roman Empire

(Harbingers Daily) Several years ago, a small silver amulet was discovered buried alongside a skeleton in a grave in what is now Frankfurt, Germany. The amulet was small—under 1.5 inches long—and the grave it was found in is believed to have been dug between AD 230–270 when Frankfurt was the Roman city Nida. Well, scientists are finally able to read the fragile silver foil found in the amulet, and the results are incredible.

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

Report Reveals How Ruthlessly The Biden Administration Persecuted Christian Education

(Harbingers Daily)While Americans were focused on the weaponization of federal law enforcement and the justice system, the Biden administration was also quietly but ruthlessly weaponizing the U.S. Department of Education against Christian institutions as well. Those are the findings of a shocking new report by the pro-family group American Principles Project.

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

Bible-Reading Christians Give the Most to Charity, Non-Christians ‘Give the Least’: Study

(Washington Stand) Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35). The Apostle Paul’s words took root in the hearts of Bible-reading Christians, who donate more money to charity than any other group of Americans, according to a new study. The more faithful the Christian, the more likely he proved to help those in need, and to give more money.

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Lynnette Marshall Lynnette Marshall

'I was living a double life': Breaking free from LGBTQ sin

(Blaza) Richard Matthews is a formerly gay influencer and speaker who was fired from his job after posting about his faith. Now, he’s sharing his testimony and how the Lord saved him from his sin — including his battle with a pornography addiction.

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